Saturday, September 29, 2012

Who Take Credit For Indian Government UGC Grants to AMU?


We’ve all had that experience where we work really hard on something and instead of getting recognized for our contribution, we have to sit there and choke back bile when someone else takes credit for the work. It’s infuriating to think about how hard you worked and how much effort you put into a project only to see some other glory-hound or charlatan pass all that effort off as their own.

Heck, I got a taste of that this week. I saw a bunch of traffic going to a Facebook page (!/syed.a.rizvi.963) a self-proclaimed “Management Thinker, HR Guru, and Educational Coach” telling his fans stories about recent additions of new Department of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Department of Neurosurgery to JNMC (Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College) at the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India.


The bottom line is; it sounds like Sleaze Boy (or “S.B.” for short) needs a developmental talking. If that isn’t in the cards, you’ll need to put some effort into thinking about the SB yourself. Think – AMU is an Indian Government Central University, which gets its financial budget proposed by Indian Central government and approved by the Indian Parliament.  A single-handed person draft will be approved by Ministries of Indian Government for a major academic institution in India???

Don’t Put Sleaze Boy In His Place

Don’t contradict him! At best, you’ll embarrass him and he’ll work behind your back to bring you down. At worst, he’ll turn out to be an amoral psychopathic monster who will work behind your back to bring you down with a chainsaw. That would be bad.

Instead, use the comedy improvement technique called “Yes, and…” His remarks are offering you a new reality. Join him. “Congratulate him with others for getting additional academic departments approval for the AMU,” he says. Ok, pretend he’s right. And be the absolute soul of contrition while you clearly define roles and responsibilities so he gets to take full responsibility for his—and only his—contribution.

Get a calm, curious frame of mind by thinking about things that make you curious. Like why politicians all wear exactly the same suit and solid color ties. Approach Sleaze Boy--I mean, Sincere Boy--with a genuine attitude of warmth.

CYB: Cover Your Butt Behavior

You’ve probably noticed this is a lot of trouble. It’s all CYB (cover your butt) behavior. It accomplishes nothing useful except preserving Sleaze Boy’s extra-ordinary-claims behavior (a.k.a in Urdu or Hindi; ChhooRo-pan.)

Are you thinking what the heck am I talking?  Oh, below is a copy from Facebook (with my comments in red) 

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Syed Ali Rizvi

September 20

ALIGARH September 20: The President of India, in capacity of the Visitor of the Aligarh Muslim University has approved the creation of three new departments in the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
The newly created departments are Department of Paediatric Surgery, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Department of Neurosurgery.
AMU Registrar, Group Captain (Retd.) Shahrukh Shamshad said that on the recommendation of the Academic Council and the Executive Council, the University Court had approved for creation of these departments of studies in the Faculty of Medicine and sent the proposal to Ministry of HRD for Visitor’s approval.

(This was a news from Indian press-media and AMU Press release.  What is your contribution for which you are taking “congratulations for your contributions” from people who are unaware of facts?  BTW:  current AMU VC, Mr. Shah initiated the approval for these department from Indian government.  Where do you fit in the scene, except posting the news then accepting compliments?)

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o Tanvir Salim and 26 others like this.

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Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad Congratulations!!!

September 20 at 3:28pm · 1

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Syed Ali Rizvi Thanks

September 20 at 3:36pm

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Pratibha Shah Congrats!

September 20 at 9:49pm · 1

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Lubna Kazim congratulations. wonderful progressive AMU

September 21 at 2:00am · 1

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Nusrat Haider awesome grt

September 21 at 4:16am · 1

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Pappu Khan Congratulations :)

September 21 at 9:10am via mobile · 1

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Syed Ali Rizvi Thanks everyone for your kind comments and appreciation.

September 23 at 12:55am

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Kumkum Pareek Malik this is a landmark step for the university!

September 23 at 11:17am · 1

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Syed Ali Rizvi Thanks Kumkum Pareek Malik. I am particularly excited as I was a member of a global pool of alumni who wrote the report on these Centers. This report was accepted in totality by the AMU administration and implemented as such. A small step, but a long way to go.

September 23 at 11:05pm · 2

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Meera Subramaniam Congratulations

September 23 at 11:17pm

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Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad Ali Bhai, ya'ni is kaam main aap ka bhi haath tha :-) .... I first came to the States in 2006. Since then I have seen you constantly devote your time and energy to Aligarh's cause. Absolutely commendable!

September 23 at 11:57pm · 1

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Manju Sheth Congrats

September 24 at 6:51am · 1

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Syed Ali Rizvi Thanks Meera Subramaniam, Syed Imad-ud-Din AsadManju Sheth for your words of appreciation and others for "liking. I have a deep passion for my alma mater and continue to do what I think will positively reinforce its name and fame and provide benefit to the thousands of students that come each year. I dedicate this shere, that I recently heard at our Mushaira to my alma mater..JahaN Rahega waheeN roshni Lutayega, Kisi chiraag ke apna makaaan nahiN hota..(The light of knowledge illuminates all minds without ANY bias.)

(What AMU Centers had to do with Medical College new departments addition and your role?)

Wednesday at 10:37pm · Edited

Author: Suhaib Siddiqi