Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tamil Civilians: A Moral Outrage

Tamil Civilians: A Moral Outrage

By Chandi Sinnathurai

13 April, 2009

The two-day pause in fighting declared by the Sri Lanka Government (SLG) owing to the Sinhala-Tamil New Year festivities does not change the plight of over 100,000 Tamil civilians in Vanni. There cannot be any festivity when they are not sure what the future holds for them. Women, children and men are living in constant fear of their lives compounded by starvation and no medical facilities. No one seem to come up with a convincing response as to why these innocent Tamils have to go through such appalling dehumanisation.

These Tamils have done nothing wrong for such a criminal treatment.

No amount of international pressure seem to bring about the tipping point in order for these Tamils to enjoy humane treatment. The international human rights bodies have a dim view of the SLG's Barbed Wire high security Camps where thousands of Tamils are being kept after their exit from the conflict zone. They have no freedom of movement. Relatives and friends are not permitted to visit them. One has to walk in their shoes even to imagine the utter depravity of the state of their captivity whether they are in the conflict or the so-called no-fire zone. Even the prisoners of war will receive a much better "five star" treatment, in comparison. Innocent Tamil civilians are stripped of basic humanity.

Utterly disgraceful. And we live in the 21st century? Bonkers!

It is believed that currently the UN is holding negotiations with the Tamil Tigers so as to organise an exit strategy for these civilians to leave for a safe place. The strategy is to bring a safe distance between the militants and innocent civilians. Whether this will bring intended results, and whether the SLG will cooperate with the UN is a tricky question. One can also be cynical by calling this an eye-wash and an international bluff.

The SLG has now rooted out the peace brokerage of Norway. This can also mean the SLG is promoting an idea in the minds of the majority that the end of war is at hand and there will be peace ever after. Talks of post-LTTE/post-conflict is rampant. One has to be cautious, of course, but peace is not the absence of conflict. Until the Sri Lankan State is willing to root out the root causes of conflict, they might have to live to regret it. The question is whether the Sinhala State has managed to win hearts and minds of the Tamils. The answer is blatantly clear.

In all of this discourse of war-politics, sadly, the INNOCENT TAMIL CIVILIANS have undoubtedly become an EXPENDABLE CLASS. AND with that...
the voice of conscience is anaesthetised.

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